
How can we leverage the second-largest social platform and search engine for good?

Digital Evangelism - 7 VM.mp4

Justin Khoe on starting a YouTube ministry: Link to ProChurchTools regarding video setup:

Other great resources: Click Here


Adventist YouTuber, Justin Khoe, started a YouTube channel, specifically answering Bible and questions on Christianity that were seemingly going unanswered by Adventists…

And then one day he found himself as the target of another YouTuber’s criticism video…

A video from A Raging Atheist.

In part, the atheist claimed that people like Justin… wouldn’t be willing to lower themselves from their pious position to sit down and just talk with someone that had a different world view then them…

Justin watched the video, and then took to the comments section…

And what he said was essentially this…

Thanks for taking the time to watch some of my videos, I would actually love to have a conversation with you…

Surprised that Justin responded, Atheist created a video response that praised Justin’s willingness, and the two have actually made several videos together… Atheist has even recommended people to go and watch the ThatChristianVlogger YouTube channel because of Justin’s balanced approach…

YouTube is the second-largest social platform behind Facebook.

YouTube offers a community like no other, because now you aren’t just talking to one another via text and words, or using single images to communicate. But you can create a highly visual and complex video where they see your mannerisms and non-verbal communication like raised eyebrows or tense expressions.

As a mission area, YouTube is incredibly sparse. There may be plenty of channels talking about God or religion on there, but there are very few Adventists creating quality content.

It’s a fantastic mission field because the audience is exactly what our church needs.

YouTube reaches more 18-34 year olds than any cable network in the US. In fact, 6/10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV.

And it’s not just entertainment. 86% of viewers specifically use YT to learn new things.

In fact, YouTube is also utilized as the second-largest search engine, right behind its parent company Google.

When you’re working on your car, and you can’t quite figure out how to do something… you pull out YouTube and find a video of someone else doing it so you can follow along.

Or maybe you just can’t quite figure out how to go about solving those algebra or calculus problems, YouTube to the rescue to explain it in a way you understand better than your teacher explained it.

So, when people want to search things like, “How should I study the Bible?” They’ll also be searching for that on YouTube.

So what can we do? Justin has created a ten-part video series on starting a YouTube ministry. It’s available on and is an excellent watch if this is an area you think you may be able to make an impact in.

I’ll share some of the highlights here.

Something a YouTube ministry shouldn’t be is just the recording of your church service.

People are on YouTube because they want to learn and connect. They don’t want to watch someone preaching to other people… they want someone that’s close to the camera, talking to them!

Someone that has a personality that they can connect with.

Something that also makes a difference on YouTube or anything social really is engaging people in the comments of the videos or posts.

It shows that you are a real person, not just presenting information but remaining available to listen and respond.

A web company/ministry called Pro Church Tools has created an excellent video that talks about some of the basic gear you can use to make excellent quality videos.

A link to this guide is among the resources at my web page,

Even if you can’t create, or perhaps don’t feel led to create the content we need on YouTube, you can still help by watching and liking the videos by clicking the thumbs up button. You can also subscribe to the Adventist YouTubers and leave positive comments on their videos that will help them rise higher in the search results.

I'll see you in the next one!